Observing, giving time and looking for transformation

Nadia d’Alessio is a Berlin based artist, from italy. She works with different materials and chemical reaction. Her studio is in Neukölln, a berlin vibrant area. Let’s get started.

Hey Nadia, thank you for having us here.

City or Country side?
City for living, countryside to escape from the city 

Wine or Beer?
Wine, recently I go for white wine

Nadia, you are from Italy, how did you started to get involved in art?
Since I was kid I was fascinating from art and creative activities. I think my first approach with art was trough drawing. In the age of 10, started to copy comics books.

Nadja d’Alessio

How did you get into art? 
I was interested in art since I was a kid; I went to an artistic high school and then the Academy of Fine Art ( I change different institutions as I was traveling at that time) but only after the third year of Academy I understood that I wanted to do the artist as my profession, even if I knew I had to do side jobs for paying my expense. 

How is the art scene in italy?
Italy is full of art and history, even talking about avant-garde movements we have such great artists. Sometimes that could be intimidate for new art scenes. 

You moved to Berlin, what was the trigger to decide to stay in Berlin?  
I moved in Berlin thanks a grant which gave me the possibility to do an internship as assistant of one of my favorite Italian artist, Luca Vitone, who is since long time established in Berlin. This was the occasion also for experience Berlin artistic scenes,  but what triggered me to stay was the whole city life and it’s vibes. 

How did you started to establish in Berlin, what would you do now different?
As soon I finished the money of the grant I started looking for side jobs in completely other sectors which, for sure, gave me some stability, but if I would change something of that time I would pushed me to find jobs in the art since then. 

What is the difference for you as an artist in Berlin?
I started to find opportunity as an artist only when I moved in Berlin, before, In Italy, while I was studying, I didn’t feel sure about my work and I didn’t expose myself so much. 

How would you describe your art?
An intuitive and personal transmutation of outside world 

How did you start? What are your inspiration?
Before I said that I started drawing, but the base of a good draw is observation. I spend a lot of time observing the landscape which surround me and trying to understand it deeper, in every its side, not only in the visible ones. When at school I was really impressed from Land artist, as they combined conceptual art with something really concrete like the landscape. My first real works started from there. 

What technique do you work with?
I don’t have a specific technique; I’m fascinated from materials and I love to play with them and in the same time study their peculiarity. 

Day or night?
Day, I’m a morning person.

Which topics are important to you as a creative person? What europe should do for creatives?Preserve the freedom of speech and expression in every European country is already a great thing, that is not so obvious to have.

What are the major challenges as an artist?
Be honest with yourself. 

What would your recommend to aspiring artists?
Believe in your intuitions and don’t take too serious artistic institutions .

What is fascinating you to work with different kind of materials and match them to create in a way chemical reactions?
I think is the concrete prove that everything can change and what is gave as “stable” is just an illusion. I’m fascinate from the encounter of different materials and the possible compositions.. 

What do you want to communicate with your art pieces?
Generally I don’t want to communicate a specific statement or opinion, I like when art opens a new level and creates questions even if they are quite confused or destabilizing. 

Your latest project with the liquid and metal? Would you like to tell us a bit more about it.
Well, actually this project is an evolution of some old exercises I was doing during the Academy and I’m really happy to bring them back with a fresh and free approach. The whole point is to create a visual connection between sound and graphic sign; for the moment I’m using an automatic drawing technique, which has its roots in automatic writing and visual poetry, it’s something very intuitive, personal and improved, but I’m not excluding to evolve such research with other methods. 

Lately I’m collaborating with an independent music label, Stirpe 999, focused on experimental electronic music, for the creation of a small series of art works related to their last album. With them I’m bringing back such a research about sound and sign materialized on a metal plate corroded thanks to an electrolytic process. For the future I’ld love to show all the process: the slow lapse in wich the specific liquid corrode the metal plate creating suggestive aquatic scenarios. 

Outside of the world of arte, what are you really passionate about? 
I would say travel

What is one piece of advice you always give to people who starts with art?
Luckily I rarely find myself giving advice, but I would say as before: believe in your intuitions and don’t take too serious art institutions and art schools. Also, if you’re not rich and have to do side jobs: find a way to have the most possible free time for your art and creative process (included inactive time) even if you’ve to eat “pasta e cipolle” everyday for a while.

What is happiness for you?
Be glad in present – here and now.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you? 
Better continuing keep it secret!

How do you spend your days of?
Part of the time chilling at home and the rest making walks in the nature with my dog.

How do you define success? 
When a person is satisfied with its career and its private life. But it is something very personal, I don’t believe in social common definition of success.

You are freelancer, what would you wish the EU would change for Women & Art?
As a women freelancer I would say more accessible and qualitative health care in alle EU, there is still a lot of difference between north, sud and east european countries. 

What should people aware of?
Of themselves.

How can the world be a better place? Which social change is important?
Honestly these are questions which I constantly ask myself but I can’t find a simple answer

Is there something you always wanted to share?
My art 🙂

Life Motto?  
Be there – in here and now and make everything with love.

Contact of Nadia d’Alessio

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