Hey HECKMAG TEAM Carla, Lana, Alina and Ben, you founded a new magazine called “Heckmag”, let’s start with our interview and tell us more about it! To everyone who is creative in writing or graphic, Heckmag is looking for inspiring people to apply content for each magazine.

City or Country side?
Wine or Beer?
Summer or Winter?
How did you came up with the idea to create an own magazine?
I think we were all a bit frustrated with the limits that university gives you when it comes to writing in a lighter or more creative and visual way. This feeling grew when the pandemic hit and we were even less able to do and experience stuff the way we really wanted to. So I’d say that just really gave us the drive to start something new, an own platform that we could control and pour our creative and critical energies into without outside restrictions.
What is fascinating you?
You can find something interesting to write about nearly every imaginable topic once you start digging.
How did you started to establish your magazine in the world of print mag and online mag? What would you do now different than a year ago?
We started off with building a website and an online mag, because we would figure that it would be easier to built up a community of readers with the possibility of sharing our texts for free via the internet and social media.

How do you decide which topics are going to be published in your magazine?
Usually we get together in a meeting with the four of us and just discuss all the topics that would be interesting to publish. The Mafia edition was brought up by Carla, because she combined it with her master thesis and was the editor in chief for that edition.
What is coming into your mind about the word „Transformation“?
Everything and everyone can transform everything and everyone.
What makes HECKMAG magazine different?
We combine different genres, styles and mediums. What may seem eclectic on first impression is streamlined under each issue’s monothematic vision. This turns every issue into a prismatic cultural lense on everyday phenomena.
How do you start to write on a white page? What is your inspiration?
That varies a lot. Sometimes there is a picture or a tweet that you see and that raises your attention and makes you think: How is no one talking about that? All of our heads are full with so much information that we receive everyday. Sometimes you just have to let it flow on a piece of paper.
Do you have some advices for writers?
Don’t let your own perfectionism or (perceived) expectations of others stop you from even starting to write. Don’t think you are not good enough, you might be surprised by the impact you might have on someone who reads your words and thoughts.
Are you working in day or night?
Day, night, whenever we find time next to our jobs or uni or friends or family…
Which topics are important to you as a creative writer? What Europe should do for creatives and entrepreneur?
All the topics are important! There is not one to choose that is better than the other. In general: Everything that touches you. Some of us are writing creative stuff, others more researched articles. In general there should be more support for creatives and Entrepreneur, not just on a financial level, also regarding a support system, that you can reach out to, that answers all your questions…
What are the major challenges as a writer and publisher?
Creating a community that wants to read your stuff.
What would you recommend to aspiring writers?
Just go for it. There is so much more potential in yourself than you could ever believe. It’s insane. And it gets easier with every time.
How do you work together?
We have a weekly meeting online and when the release of the next issue is getting closer we do whole day meetings at someones house. Also looots of WhatsApp messages.
How can people apply?
They can send us an email or DM on instagram with a text, poem, photographs, collages or whatever comes to their minds within the deadline.
Outside of the world of writing and publishing, what are you passionate about?
Food and Popculture, movies, books, politics… Everything that makes your mind move.
What is one piece of advice you always give to people who start a business?
Don’t expect it to be an overnight success, things need time to grow. Celebrate little steps.
What is happiness for you?
Being content with oneself and being surrounded by the right people for you.
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
We actually did not come up with the name HECKMAG ourselves.Well, we thought we did, but it turns out we did not. Please keep it a secret, thank you.
How do you spend your days off?
Probably hanging out with friends.
How do you define success?
Success, in a post-capitalist society, is often connected to one’s economic value. We strive to be better than that: Success, for us, means fulfillment of our idealistic and creative endeavors in order to have a positive impact on the way people perceive their surroundings.

You are writers, what would you wish the EU would change for writers?
In a magazine context, a lot of time goes away for things like management, founding, and it takes away a lot of space to be effectively creative, to write, to do some research for your essays. More possibilities for financial support and less paperwork and barriers to get that support would be nice, but aside that, also stuff like sponsoring shared space to work, to print etc.
What should people be aware of?
Starting your own magazine will mean that you’ll have to find a lot of extra time in your schedule next to work, university, friends, family and other hobbies. So keep a steady routine, but don’t pressure yourself too much, otherwise it can become a bit overwhelming and stressful.
How can the world be a better place? Which social change is important?
Uff, there are so many things that need to change, so many things that we as a society still have to accomplish. That starts with the abolishment of all sorts of racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism and and and and goes to fighting social and financial inequality, gender-based discrimination, fight everyone who says climate change isn’t real and we don’t have to do anything about it and fight Christian Lindner.
Is there something you always wanted to share?
Everything we ever wanted to share can be read about in the upcoming issue for just 8,50 € plus shipping. Taxes not included.
25. Life Motto?
Stay curious.
You want to apply or order the awesome magazine heckmag here you click 🙂
A lot of people ask us, why do we make interviews with creative people. We want to see the world more colorful, more diverse. We see a lack of sharing and caring for each other and value of active people. Kulafamily has just an awesome community, that we want to share peoples visions and the impact first with you. Enjoy reading and happy if you share! Love and peace!